Never Give Up

I remember when I was first approached about becoming a REALTOR and how that made me feel. Flattered, surprised, but not really interested at the time, but it stuck with me for many years because someone thought enough of me to think I’d be a good fit for the task.

Years later, my husband and I had the opportunity to work with an Agent to buy, then sell our home, and then another Agent to purchase a home in Eastern NC. One was an absolutely wonderful experience and I still consider that Agent a friend because she was so warm, genuine, and caring…someone I look up to, to this day. The other was a nightmare, quite frankly, and taught us a very, very expensive lesson. Little did I know, but that Agent would also become very influential in my life! He taught me what NOT to do and shattered my rose-colored glasses about the profession I would soon enter.

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Learning has always been top-of-mind for me so gathering knowledge with a ‘big box’ firm was where I began. I learned so much with this firm and met some amazing people, but never felt at home there. Something was missing. When I realized what was missing, that piece of the puzzle, I decided to take a leap of sheer faith and open Off Road Realty, LLC. I’m sure there are many, many agents who thought I had lost my cotton pickin’ mind, but I knew in my heart that it was a necessary move….for ME. I have never once regretted the decision and each day brings me joy that I never thought possible.

Being a solo operation had its challenges but I made it work and ran the firm this way for just over two years. I would hound my best friend, also an agent, to ‘come to the dark side’ and work with me and after years of pestering (which I have perfected!), she came on board. She was followed by two more agents and we now have a 4-man operation that is more like family than Firm.

Some said I couldn’t do it. Some said I’d be back where I started. Some thought I needed them. ‘Some’ were wrong. There is nothing more satisfying than going your own way, meeting each challenge head-on, and grasping each opportunity as a means for growth. Yes, there are challenges!! If an Agent tells you it’s all roses and sunshine, they are lying to your face. This is a tough industry and it has had a tarnished image that we have created ourselves. Truth. Agents can be very self-serving and forget the Code of Ethics they swore to uphold….yeah, yeah…I said it.

ORR has committed to changing the public’s perception of REALTORs, one person at a time. One family at a time. One relationship at a time.

Bottom line: Never give up. Follow your calling and block out any negative chatter from the naysayers.

If you would like more information about Off Road Realty, becoming a Real Estate Agent, or the current Market, give us a call at 866-9-OFFROAD. And don’t forget to check us out on FB, Instagram, and other social media sites. Blessings!

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