The Lies We Tell

Thinking back on my life, I realize there were times of absolute clarity that stood out. You know, those moments of such profound and monumental importance. Falling in love with the boy I was destined to be with for eternity (blah-blah-blah) or when I thought my passion for music would come to fruition as a musical career. In those moments, they were truths. They were absolutes that I would bet my favorite Candie’s slides on without thinking twice. Now, I call those the ‘dream years’ because, little did I know, those were only romanticized and wishful thoughts I told myself to get through.

High school taught us how to socialize, how to follow rules (and sometimes we had great friends who showed us how to break them), while escorting us through the most formidable years of our lives. They expected us to choose a career path for college and what 17=18 year old do you know that can even decide on a dinner choice, much less a career choice?? We all nodded and smiled as they herded us through the Guidance Counselor’s office to discuss career paths and now it all seems so ridiculous. I remember sitting there like a deer in headlights, nodding, and if I am honest about it, I probably had a pained look on my face. It was all a farce! They lied to us and we lied to ourselves.

Growing up and becoming the person we are is a journey, often laced with twists and turns that make it an adventure. Those wrong turns can lead us to some otherwise hidden opportunities where we can stop off for a bit to take in the offerings or….maybe we land exactly where we are meant to be. Everyone has their own path to follow, just remember that it’s ok to take a wrong turn now and then.

Live well.

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